Please check the following video tutorial showing how to add a new icon to the theme icon list using Fontello generator. The correct path to the font .json file is wp-content/themes/qwery/skins/skin_name/css/font-icons. (The video illustrates the theme without skins).
Apart from the page and post content, the theme and plugins have lots of text strings which are set in the language files, e.g. button and input texts. The following video tutorial shows how to translate the theme and plugins with a free Loco Translate Plugin, without any need to use Poedit software and File…
The Dynamic Background Addon allows you to create unusuall background effects for some page elements. It fills the page section with background color gradually in a form of a circle or with fade effect, while you are scrolling down the page. Once the addon is active, a "Dynamic Background" section will appear in the Elementor widgets' settings,…
Mouse Helper addon displays dynamic suggestions when the mouse hovers over various page objects.
Once the addon is active in the Theme Panel -> Theme Dashboard -> Addons, the "Mouse helper" section should appear in the Theme Panel > ThemeREX Addons > Mouse helper tab in WordPress dashboard menu panel. Here you can set the behavior of the…
The method above shows how to apply your translations using Poedit software. Alternatively, you may use Loco Translate Wordpress plugin and manage…